
Priority Legislative Agenda


“All ABEEólica employees have a single goal: to foster the growth of the wind industry in Brazil, through a transparent and continuous relationship with the government, the press, the private sector and civil society. The proven benefits of wind energy make the association’s work even more interesting and enriching, as we are sure that we are contributing to a better future for Brazil and our planet.”
Elbia Gannoum, executive president of ABEEólica
It advocates the implementation of wind power in the energy matrix and, to this end, has worked on a permanent and strategic basis with different institutions to promote the competitiveness and sustainability of the domestic wind sector.
It has a permanent relationship with the main government bodies involved in energy, environment and sustainability issues, market regulation, among other aspects. For example, it works with National Ministries and Councils; Public Hearings and public meetings of ANEEL and is present at meetings of the executive and legislative branches.
It organizes events for discussions and business relations among its members. Examples of these events include Business Meetings, Breakfast with Associates, Workshops on Regulation, Courses and also the largest event on wind energy in the Southern Hemisphere, Brazil Windpower.
It is always present at the main domestic and international events for the wind power industry and the Brazilian energy sector, with the mission of sharing information about wind power and its exponential growth path in Brazil.
It has a transparent relationship with the press and civil society to constantly inform about news, benefits, advances and analyzes in the sector.
It provides technical consultancy and regulatory support to its members.


International action

At the end of 2009, the Association became a member of the board of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), at a side event held at the United Nations World Climate Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen. As a partner institution of the Global Wind Energy Council, the Association is responsible for communicating GWEC’s global information to Brazil, such as the report with global wind energy data. In May 2020, Elbia Gannoum, ABEEólica’s President, took the position of vice-president of GWEC Board, representing associations.
In partnership with GWEC, ABEEólica has been organizing the Brazil Windpower Conference and Exhibition since 2010, the sector’s largest event in Latin America and one of the world’s leading events, dealing with important issues such as energy contracting, business opportunities in the region, the Brazilian regulatory framework, as well as technical and environmental issues pertinent to the sector development.
ABEEólica also has a unique relationship with the following organizations:
EWEA European Wind Energy Association.
AWEA American Wind Energy Association.
AEE Asociación Empresarial Eólica.
AAEE Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica.
AUdEE Asociación Uruguaya de Energía Eólica.
ACERA Asociación Chilena de Energías Renovables.
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency.
GWEC Global Wind Energy Council.

ABEEólica 2024 - All rights reserved

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